We are in the middle of a war between Mankind and Reptilians, open your eyes to the truth!
Friday, 27 May 2011
" I am Paul, an Apostle of Jesus Christ!......by the won't of God, hahah...
Posted by Steve at 00:26 5 comments
Friday, 29 April 2011
Saturday, 23 April 2011
Friday, 22 April 2011
Thursday, 14 April 2011
Tuesday, 12 April 2011
Posted by Steve at 16:36 0 comments
Sunday, 10 April 2011
REAL DEMONS! - Captured on BBC News 8/4/11 - (demons - shapeshifters - r...
Posted by Steve at 03:17 0 comments
Monday, 4 April 2011
Monday, 28 March 2011
REAL REPTILIAN FOOTAGE! PEEKABOO I SEE YOU! They cant hide from the Ligh...
Posted by Steve at 12:15 0 comments
Sunday, 27 March 2011
Tuesday, 22 March 2011
Thursday, 17 March 2011
Posted by Steve at 07:47 0 comments
Wednesday, 16 March 2011
Friday, 11 March 2011
I've switched to YouTube! and Bad Aliens do bad things!
I can't believe I didn't do this sooner. Since being on YouTube I have met some lovely people and new brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus..I haveviewed some critically important information on various videos uploaded by truthseekers and those with eyes that see and ears that hear. I was drawn to YouTube one evening, looking for information and I found it but, not only did I find what I was looking for, I was given so much more.
One day last month, as I was leaving my home and was about to turn off the news on the tv, the new footage of JFK the day before he was murdered by the wicked ones was showing and I stopped to watch. As I watched I noticed things just didnt look right. JFK, at certain points in the film, looks at the camera so deeply it compounded me to view it again later after work.
When I came home I downloaded the full version and slowed it down. I was shocked to see that within the powerful flashes from the press' cameras, there were demons all around JFK!
Now, people may say 'He's crazy!' or 'They aren't demons, its just the flash..'. OK, no problem, I respect your opinion, now, you respect mine!
God opened my senses up to the supernatural. Since I was a child, I have on occasions been witness to beings from other dimensions, as I have already blogged. When Jesus peeled a serpent demon out of my body in April 2009, I have aquired a sensitivity to them. They are everywhere my brothers and sisters. Using us as hosts, living off us, in us, feeding on our energies.
Their masters are the fallen ones of the bible. The serpent winged gods of many myths and ancient cultures. Do you not see the links? They are fearless, fierce, crafty and sneaky, and so so clever and sly! They are those who caused mankind to fall in Eden. Not only did they change humans from a state of grace but they changed much more, they actually mated with our women and spliced their dna, they made monsters creating a hybrid race who have infiltrated our land, taken our sovereingty, deceived us into serving them whilst they slowly turn us into them from the inside out.
In May 2010, I saw a large cigar shaped ufo in my city, hovering over the bay. I videod it but its not a good copy, however, I did manage to capture it on stills and have also found much better footage by a guy across the water in Devon, England. That night, when I was in bed, I was contacted by ETs who told me things that I have had difficulties talking about. They came as friendly helpers. They told me that they were going to save the life of my dying sibling and that they were coming to earth in 2012 and would be picking me up!
For months my mind was going crazy! I wanted to trust them, really wanted to believe in them. My heart was breaking because I hoped so much that they would heal my sibling but just didn't know if they were going to do it or not. It got to a point towards the end of last year and I couldn't take much more, I hit the bottle and nearly drank myself to death. I became a bad person all over again, forgetting what Jesus told me when He came to me, I was terribly backslidden to the point of major anger and wickedness. I managed to stop drinking just before new years and just before my internal organs failed. I repented, built up my strength and was starting to realise that maybe, just maybe I was being deceived, and not only that, they knew it would wreck my mind and emotions..
My Sibling passed away on Friday 4th March 2011. Her name is Juliana. Juliana was an Angel come down from heaven. Such a beautiful soul and she is sorely missed until we meet again.
Through her illness and suffering I met Jesus Christ..I will be posting a video of rememberance on YouTube very shortly. It is comforting and encouraging to know that she is now with Jesus, as He promised, and Jesus never lies and He always delivers..
So, the lesson to this story for anyone who reads this:
2 Corinthians 11:14
And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light..
The devil and his ets/angels will appear to us as saviours my brothers and sisters. You have been informed by someone who truly knows. But, God's Angels also use UFOs, therefore, should an Alien decide to talk to you one day and tell you this and that, just ask them to declare "Jesus Christ is Lord!"...
For if they do not bow down to Jesus Christ the Son of God, then, they are the wicked ones, those damned serpents and reptilians, the blue bloods, serpent seed and tares!
A huge tsunami has crippled Japan, you just need to look at the frequency of these events. Since 2000 and 2011 we have had many many disasters. We are in End Times people! Prepare yourselves and keep your wits about you. Get off your tvs, games, music dowloading and website surfing and GET ON YOUTUBE!
Check out stuff like
Angels and UFOs
Serpent seed
FEMA Camps
Two suns in China sky!
End Times
and much much more, just go on my favourites if you have a spare couple of hours to enlighten yourself..
and trust me, if it's not of Jesus Christ and His Father God, don't trust it..
My blogging days are over, its been an interesting ride. I had one decent comment from a Christian Brother in the two years I have written here. I will be coming back on now and then but YouTube is now my tool to reach out and it's sooo much better.
Peace and best wishes to you and yours in Christ.
May God grace you with His love, mercy and forgiveness..
Posted by Steve at 11:11 0 comments
Saturday, 26 February 2011
Friday, 4 February 2011
I have been tested, my eyes have been opened..
**Updated 4/02/11** God has spoken to me again. My eyes have been opened to the biggest deception to come. Get ready people!
The serpent seed is ready to come forth in battle..
Here is the wisdom! Watch out people, Satan is getting ready to deceive the world by using his UFOs! and with the help of his seed on this planet that he has hybridized, the reptilian invasion is finally here, the fake Messiah is coming in the form of Maitreya, a fake resurrected Christ. It is time for the wheat and the tares (reptilian/human seed) to be separated and the tares are all around us, controlling world events!
They are coming in UFOs and they will destroy 1/3 of Mankind! I have been warned and shown by God, His Angels and Jesus that this is imminent.
Go figure...the signs are there for all to see just as Jesus prophesied!
Satan/Lucifer is a physical reptilian humanoid being. He and his fallen Angels use UFOs. They are going to pretend to the world that they are going to save us from a faked Alien invasion which they will create, and with the help of their reptilian human hybrids (mostly USA, EU and UN leaders) that are controlling the entire world through our governments and media they will usher in the fake Messiah, the Anti-Christ who will be a Jew of great power in the European Union that is the New Kingdom of The Roman Empire of Satan! This is happening right now!
The 4th Reich is already here..
They will force vaccinations on the whole world whilst they usher in the New World Order. These vaccinations contain Nano Technology that lobotomizes and zombifies the brain! It is already going on..
But, fear not and repent of following this great deception!
Remember the truth of God, it will always prevail in time, and remember the lies of Satan, they always mirror God's plan and take place before His (God's) plan is implemented! That is why history repeats itself. Satan has known God's plan for us since before the Garden of Eden. He has raised up false Messiahs that the world has followed ever since whilst continuing with his hybridization plan of the leaders of the Kingdoms of the World, and, the last such false Messiah is already here waiting in the wings of the coming New World Order.
Here is the wisdom! Our Creator, Elohim, God, the Father of Jesus Christ, and True God of Abraham, The Eternal One, The Most High, Yawheh, has at His power and disposal, 2/3 of the Angels who have not rebelled remember??? and who are also using UFOs! This is the wisdom given to me and I know it in my heart, and not my mind.
Don't be fooled by the ensuing deceptions of Satan because they will be the best yet..
The 7th Seal of the Book of Revelation has already opened but the mystery of God is not yet revealed to the world because of Satan's planned deception! and just as instructed by an Angel of God to John, a true Apostle of Christ this knowledge is to be kept from the world for this exact reason, and only revealed to those God chooses in this moment who are the remnants of the 144,000 that are alive in physical bodies today! Now is the time that even the very Elect will be deceived by Satan.
The second part of Satan's greatest deception is that the world will be deceived (due to the faked events looming on the horizon) into thinking that all other UFOs, Aliens/Angels are in fact Malevolent.. and that we will need the protection of the Anti-Christ and his beast (NWO) to fight the threat! The threat this time being the return of Jesus Christ and His Angels! It's time to wake up to the truth of this prophecy of the 7th seal. Remember, Ronald Reagan? He was a tare (reptilian/human hybrid/serpent seed) and he warned the world of an invasion of Aliens which justified the Star Wars defence program! It is a hoax people and it's about to be swiftly executed in true reptilian style..
(added) The NWO Illuminati have holographic technology that they are going to use to project the real face of their anti christ around the world, speaking every tongue of every country advising who he is (Christ) and luring the world into his worship. John wrote of this in Rev 13 below, he is describing this technology the best he can..
"And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast ... And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed." [Revelation 13:13-15, Emphasis added]
Jesus also warns us in Matthew 24:24 - For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
**END OF UPDATE! 5/02/11**
It's been 21 months since Jesus the Christ visited me in my bedroom, took a demon out of my body and told me He had to go as there was much work to be done..He commanded me not to drink alcohol again (I'm an alcoholic) and to be good.
Since then I have been under constant attack by the devil and his demons. The demon that Jesus removed that night wants to get back in my body. I have had other demons attack me through people on the street, at a bus stop, over the phone, Internet, in churches and religious groups, through so called friends, and whilst I have been awake in bed and asleep.
What a weird 21 months!
I honestly feel like I am in the TV series 'V' - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1307824/
and the movie 'They Live' - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0096256/
I stopped going to churches and it was because of Christianity and it's churches and doctrines that caused me to question the actual stuff written down about Jesus and believed by so many. I searched out other belief systems about Jesus which included other religions. I started getting involved with the Egyptian mystery school teachings, spiritual groups involving Christ Consciousness and Ascended Masters.
I got sucked in. It was all very interesting but they would paint another picture of Jesus, yet another distortion. I started believing that Jesus was in fact an Ascended Master, a Spiritual Adept! I couldn't have been more deceived.
God opened my eyes to the fake Church and has tested me through allowing Satan and his demons to tempt and deceive me this way and they did a very good job of it! But, God has spoken to my heart this year and opened my eyes once more.
This blog will now bring forth warnings and proof of what I am writing is indeed correct.
Join in the opening of the 7th Seal, as all will see the Mystery of God unveil, but who will realise the truth? and who will follow the beast?
Get out of your churches of SUNday, Trinity, Communion, Christmas, Easter and false doctrine worship! These churches have apostisized and belong to Babylon the Great Whore and have drank from her wine and committed spiritual adultery with her through the spirit of Jezebel!
Remember what Jesus said:
Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches!
Posted by Steve at 17:26 0 comments
Thursday, 20 May 2010
UFOs are following me! Aliens/Angels are talking to me!
The serpent seed is ready to come forth in battle..
Here is the wisdom! Watch out people, Satan is getting ready to deceive the world by using his UFOs! and with the help of his seed on this planet that he has hybridized, the reptilian invasion is finally here, the fake Messiah is coming in the form of Maitreya, a fake resurrected Christ. It is time for the wheat and the tares (reptilian/human seed) to be separated and the tares are all around us, controlling world events!
They are coming in UFOs and they will destroy 1/3 of Mankind! I have been warned and shown by God, His Angels and Jesus that this is imminent.
Go figure...the signs are there for all to see just as Jesus prophesied!
Satan/Lucifer is a physical reptilian humanoid being. He and his fallen Angels use UFOs. They are going to pretend to the world that they are going to save us from a faked Alien invasion which they will create, and with the help of their reptilian human hybrids (mostly USA, EU and UN leaders) that are controlling the entire world through our governments and media they will usher in the fake Messiah, the Anti-Christ who will be a Jew of great power in the European Union that is the New Kingdom of Roman Empire of Satan! This is happening right now!
The 4th Reich is already here..
They will force vaccinations on the whole world whilst they usher in the New World Order. These vaccinations contain Nano Technology that lobotomizes and zombifies the brain! It is already going on..
But, fear not and repent of following this great deception!
Remember the truth of God, it will always prevail in time, and remember the lies of Satan, they always mirror God's plan and take place before His (God's) plan is implemented! That is why history repeats itself. Satan has known God's plan for us since before the Garden of Eden. He has raised up false Messiahs that the world has followed ever since whilst continuing with his hybridization plan of the leaders of the Kingdoms of the World, and, the last such false Messiah is already here waiting in the wings of the coming New World Order.
Here is the wisdom! Our Creator, Elohim, God, the Father of Jesus Christ, and True God of Abraham, The Eternal One, The Most High, Yawheh, has at His power and disposal, 2/3 of the Angels who have not rebelled remember??? and who are also using UFOs! This is the wisdom given to me and I know it in my heart, and not my mind.
Don't be fooled by the ensuing deceptions of Satan because they will be the best yet..
The 7th Seal of the Book of Revelation has already opened but the mystery of God is not yet revealed to the world because of Satan's planned deception! and just as instructed by an Angel of God to John, a true Apostle of Christ this knowledge is to be kept from the world for this exact reason, and only revealed to those God chooses in this moment who are the remnants of the 144,000 that are alive in physical bodies today! Now is the time that even the very Elect will be deceived by Satan.
The second part of Satan's greatest deception is that the world will be deceived (due to the faked events looming on the horizon) into thinking that all other UFOs, Aliens/Angels are in fact Malevolent.. and that we will need the protection of the Anti-Christ and his beast (NWO) to fight the threat! The threat this time being the return of Jesus Christ and His Angels! It's time to wake up to the truth of this prophecy of the 7th seal. Remember, Ronald Reagan? He was a tare (reptilian/human hybrid/serpent seed) and he warned the world of an invasion of Aliens which justified the Star Wars defence program! It is a hoax people and it's about to be swiftly executed in true reptilian style..
**END OF UPDATE! 5/02/11**
It's been one hell of a year for me and now it just gets deeper and more weird. 'I started this blog and so I will finish it!'.. I believe I have a duty to record and share my unbelievable experiences with total honesty and humility..
A week ago today I was contacted once more, via telepathy, by Angels/Extra-Terrestrial beings!
After completing joining the dots of my experiences since I was a child, of Jesus, Egypt and the Sumerian Gods, with advanced beings that visit Earth, my Wife and I spotted a large cigar shaped UFO the next day in Swansea Bay, Wales, UK..
That night, as I lay wide awake in bed I had a beam of energy come over me and had a conversation with an Extra-Terrestrial being. Or, I'm totally crazy..
I never expected my life to take such a phenomenal and unbelievable direction, although, I should have realised sooner exactly what is going on here! I mean, getting people to believe in me and my experiences is impossible and I thought that after my visitation from Jesus that things would go smooth and peaceful. I couldn't have been more incorrect. What I am recording here today sounds as if I am crazy but I am being honest and would like to record and share everything. What I am doing from now on is believing in my experiences and in myself whilst forgetting whatever people including my loved ones think of me. These things have and are happening to me.
Before I go divulging my recent amazing experiences and encounters to whoever and for the benefit of refreshing the mind I just need to summarize my life's most profound experiences to date..
1980 - 1981 Location, Trallwn, Swansea, Wales, UK. Aged between 4 and 5 yrs old.
I have very strong and vivid memories of this age. Two cavemen fighting in my local park in Trallwn, Swansea. A lizard man with blue eyes appearing to me in some trees near Swansea bay. One huge outer body experience where I floated downstairs and through my living room door. I also disappeared one day and ended up on a mountain near my house..
1997 - 2000 Location, Swansea and Burry Port, Wales, UK. Aged between 21 and 23 yrs old. Numerous UFO sightings including my closest encounter in Burry Port, Wales, UK, and witnessed by an ex-girlfriend and her brother. A large rugby ball shaped UFO pulsating with magnificent colours, glaring like the sun and hovering around at the bottom of our road.
2002 - 2004 Location, Thailand, SE Asia. Aged between 25 and 27 yrs old. My first encounter with spirit entities. Negative, demonic energies appeared to me late at night on numerous occasions. Positive, angelic entities appearing not long after the demonic ones, encouraging me and healing me. Two separate sightings of orange UFOs in Bangkok. One sighting seemed linked in time with my spiritual experiences. At this same point in time and still in Bangkok, God spoke to me and He sounded very disappointed in and for me!
It was a profound experience which I believe was totally real and has left me scratching my head until recently.
In summer 2004 and on my honeymoon I had a photo taken of my Wife and I on a beach in Ko-Samet, Thailand. After having the photos developed I realised what looks to be a metallic round UFO in the background of one of them and have uploaded it to my blog for the first time..
I had vivid dreams of green UFOs visiting earth and arriving at the sounding of trumpets or horns. As our armies are attacking them I am trying to stop them and try protecting the UFOs.
Around this same time I had a strange outer body experience where I was taken through my apartment wall and ended up in a transparent vehicle of some sort. There were a few humans sitting with me and a female one said 'We have been chosen..'. Although this is quite a blurry memory it stands out so much and felt much more than just a dream.
Am I one of the 144,000? I certainly feel that I may well be, considering my experiences and encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ, but, as with all of God's plan for mankind, only time will tell.
2005 - Present day. Now 34 yrs old. Location, various areas in Swansea including near where I grew up.
After returning to Wales my experiences with spirits and UFOs had stopped, until 2009. Once more, the demonic negative energies had come through but this time I would be led to Jesus Christ via a website about demons. I prayed to Jesus to help me and that night He appeared in my bedroom and took the demonic entity out of my body. We had a small conversation and then He left. After this experience I became a devout Christian but did not settle as I knew there was much more to Jesus. I wrote a poem about Jesus when I was younger. It depicted Him as a saviour from another star system and over the years I had discovered through things left behind by ancient civilisations and enlightened ones that we were visited by Extra-Terrestrials in the past and that they had a lot to do with our evolution. Finally letting go of and escaping the limitations of religion I came back around, full circle, to the beliefs I had grown out of my life experiences and research and the past few months, coincidentally, I have seen 5 UFOs and managed to video one also. The video is below.
In the evening of that day I had my second telepathic message from an Angel/Extra-Terrestrial being, almost exactly 6 years after God spoke to me .
At around 4am on Friday 21st May 2010, as I lay in bed restless, an Angel/Extra Terrestrial voice spoke to me although this time I am not in the position to share what was said to me until the time is appropriate. I have had my Wife take a video of me as I explain what was said to me and have also emailed the details to a friend so that I have dated records of the content of my message. Also, after a week of careful consideration I have decided to be as honest as possible with my experiences and decided to record them in this blog for anyone to read.
The Angel/Extra-Terrestrial told me a few things last week although I do not feel it appropriate to share everything that was said yet I will describe some of the experience.
As the energy beam started to touch my body I could hear repeated words until the words grew louder and started to connect with me telepathically, i.e. within my brain, not ears. The energy grew stronger and felt just like the energies of Jesus and when I have meditated on occasions. Once the connection was made, the words that were being repeated stopped and then the he spoke.
Firstly, He congratulated me on working out the truth about our existence on this planet and then He said that they would like to help me. As I listened to and felt the energies of the voice he told me something very personal to me which they are going to do soon, with which once it is done, they request that I am to tell everyone that it was them that did it. I am unable to write exactly what it is until it happens, or not, which will be apparent quite soon. It is something positive and I have had my Wife record me explaining the full details of my message and I have it on email also.
Once I had agreed to telling everyone they then asked me if I would like to know what is going to happen in 2012, I said yes, and it shocked me, as they did not tell me exactly what was going to happen to the world, but what was going to happen to me, and it has left me quite strangely excited!
The energy and voice finally started fading whilst asking me if I am ready to have some fun..
Friday the 21st May, around 3pm, my Wife and I spotted a large cigar shaped UFO in Swansea. I recorded it on my mobile video camera but the picture is not good. However, when pausing the video I have managed to capture the UFO. It is quite large and moved slowly and silently towards the direction of the Gower, just passed Swansea, Wales..
As it tilted towards the sun I could surmise that it was made of some type of metal.
Prior to the cigar shaped UFO last week, I have seen UFOs in Swansea on two other occasions this year! Both events were witnessed by people near me and involved UFOs flying at high speeds with colours ranging from white, blue and orange..
The UFO sightings around Swansea have been flooding in also..
This video from Somerset England, has a much better recording of the exact same UFO we saw last Friday..
The one we saw on Friday 21st May, 2010..

The cigar shaped UFO lastweek was huge and dark metallic. The one in Thailand is smaller and a spherical shape of light alloy type metal hovering over the trees..
I am waiting to see if these experiences are going to be proven quite soon or if they are all just expressions of an over active imagination. We shall see..
UFOs are following me and Aliens/Angels/Extra-Terrestrials are talking to me, and Jesus is coming back to the World on a mission from the stars!
In Jesus' own words:
John 8:23: And He said to them, "You are from beneath; I AM from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world.
Posted by Steve at 08:12 4 comments
Sunday, 4 October 2009
04/02/11- Welcome to my blog which has been a journey of my life since I was visited by Jesus Christ in April 2009. God has called me out from the world to help me and work through me. He sent His Son to me to release me from a powerful demon that was living inside my body! It sounds difficult to believe but it is entirely true. Since that day I have searched out the truth about Jesus, it's been a roller coaster ride, there are so many tares that every direction has been infiltrated. I've been deceived by Satan and his demons who are at work within the corrupt Christian faith, I have been allowed to follow a different Jesus so that I can learn this corruption first hand. It is the only way to properly discern. God is revealing Himself to me through events in my life since I was a child. The 7th Seal is being opened!
This was my first blog entry whilst I was becoming brainwashed by Christianity and it's doctrines in 2009 so I deleted it. I also removed and saved all my blog entries up until now because I have been deceived and misled, however, my blog for May 2010 will stay as I feel that it is a very important event . It has been 21 months since I was visited by Jesus Christ in my bedroom and it's been the weirdest time ever since, with demons attacking me through many different means. I have been searching out the truth about Jesus but have also been way off the mark and I fell back into alcoholism for a while. But I'm back, repenting and I am waiting for the Lord to work through me once more..
Best wishes to you, and all I can say is Jesus Christ is very real, He is the Son of God who died for our sins. He's waiting for you if you are ready to repent and change your way of thinking. Search Him out with all your heart and He will come to you and work with you and you will feel it, but, be careful because the devil is very ready to fool you and doesn't want you to join God's family that He is preparing.
This is very real. Praise be to the Eternal One, our Creator God.
Get with the Word..
Posted by Steve at 01:13 2 comments